Friday, May 28, 2021

Visit Washington, DC

Not surprised the GOP is trying to sweep what's probably a fair bit of complicity if not abetment. 

It's also not all that surprising but a bit more frustrating to see Democrats display a degree of learned helplessness that depresses the shit out of me. 

Have a good weekend.  

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Sometimes It's Better Not To Compromise

For instance, if they other side is a crazed, lunatic, zombie death-cult. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Going Global

Unfortunately there's a reinforcing effect...sure, Belarus's never been a bastion of democratic rule, but the same puke funnel bullshit (stolen elections, fake news, etc.)...

Used to be the US of A was, if not exactly clean, at least not part of the problem. 

But that was before, oh, I don't know, the childcare witch trials of the 1980s, letting Reagan off the hook for Iran contra (so much for any GOP assholes 'learning a lesson'), Vince Foster, Whitewater, a bullshit impeachment, a stolen election, WMD, The Kenyan Usurper...her emails...

At long last there's a tiny bit of pushback over lunatic allegations of a stolen election and a bit less over the equally sinister voter fraud nonsense, particularly in light of the January 6th tourist visit (kind of like the British tourist visit in August 1814), but...if it's not too little too late, I'll be pleasantly surprised. 

And it's a global movement.