Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Giving Thanks...

Small thanks, but it's something.

The president is that guy, and not the other guy. 

Out tomorrow and probably Friday, so have a good weekend. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Taking tonight off, back tomorrow. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

What's The Harm In Indulging Him?

Nice the elite media is finally starting to notice.

Hopefully it's not too late, but...

And to paraphrase, because I don't feel like looking it up right now, and repeat, David Frum was correct about conservatives rejecting small d democracy. 

The Sturm und Drang over non-existent voter fraud (with two exceptions, one, small scale fraud by right-wing extremists and Trump's own tiny-hand-ham-fisted-attempts to bully at least one State and probably others), anyway, it distracted from any number of things. 

To cite a couple, Gerrymandering of Congressional Districts and flat out calls for rioting and violence.

They don't even pretend to care about winning elections. 

Fox Noise, its bastard spawns like OAN and One America, plus the rest of the noise machine, don't give a shit about rule of law or other niceties, like, oh, I don't know, press freedom. Might want to take that into consideration when insisting on both-sides framing. 

Once press freedom is gone, it's unlikely to come back. Just saying. 

And forget about finding any Republican Daddy heroes. The attempted rehabilitation of Creosote Chris Christie was and is pathetic. 

Time to decide where you stand...