Friday, March 03, 2023

Maybe Cornholio Running A Committee's Not Such A Good Idea

Dozens of witnesses turned out to be three, who all had an ax to grind. 

Oh, and thanks, elite media. Generations of both sides-ing and insisting there were good wingers went a long way in helping this happen. Nice work.

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, March 02, 2023

If I Was Merrick Garland...

...guess this is yet another reason I'd never make it as a career pol or bureaucrat, but my go-to answer to questions from the like of Cruz, et al, would pretty much be, "because fuck you, zombie, Qanon symp freak...that's why."

Back tomorrow.  

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Executive Privilege=The Divine Right Of Kings

Hunter Thompson likened Executive Privilege to the Divine Right of Kings. 
He was writing about Nixon/Watergate. 

I was a bit too young to understand it at that time, but when Bill Clinton brought it up during the Starr nonsense, I thought it was a bad idea. 

I still do. 

Because I figured one day some shit heel would invoke it or the rough equivalent, with the benefit of precedent.  


As I've said before, the Democratic Party might have some good people (e.g., Jaime Raskin/AOC, etc.), but it's still the lesser of evils. 

And lesser of evils sometimes lends cover to greater evils. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023

Mistakes Were Made

No shit

And...they'll get away with it. In a few news cycles it'll be down the memory hole.

Then FN will find some lib to demonize, and they'll all join in, including the allegedly librul media. 

That's how they ride.