Friday, August 18, 2023

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

I think this might count as evidence of something beyond expressing opinions...

Have a good weekend. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

What A Waste It Is To Lose One's Mind

Or not to have a mind...

James Danforth Quayle.

Could've been talking about Rudolph William Louis Giuliani

Sure, I'll guess it's more inconvenience than dire, but hope the batshit insane old ghoul is sweating some hair dye -- again -- and stressing at the prospect of being fitted for an orange jumpsuit before getting assigned a 5x8 foot cell to cool his heels in. 

He's earned it.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

In A Couple Of News Cycles They'll Be Talking About "The Optics"

The elites are already signaling how bored with it all they are, especially since they can't piously tsk tsk the Democrats.

Which you can be damn sure they'd do if somehow the tables were turned (which could never happen -- a Democrat with any hint of scandal would be "but-her-emails" hounded into resignation, and look at how readily they eat up any/all stories about Hunter Biden, who, last I checked, had no role, formal or informal, with his dad's administration or with any elected official). 

Hell, I would not be at all surprised if the unusually passive reporting on the monster heat wave that's still shattering records across the country is mainly because they know they can't blame Democrats for it. 

Yer librul media. 

Aside: pretty sure it was Ruth Marcus I heard a few years back on NPR, saying that limited government was the GOP's ideology. Almost wrecked my car in anger. It's their rhetoric, dipshit. 

If Marcus was just a regular low-information type, I'd be inclined to cut some slack, but as an elite columnist with an elite newspaper, drawing elite salary...nope. Dipshit.