Friday, July 21, 2023

Technically, Next Spring, But...

...TFG's top-secret-documents-for-fun-and-profit trial probably sees the solstice

Then the inevitable appeals, etc., etc. 

And then there are the other trials. 

Which the media's reporting, but without any urgency. 

Can't imagine they'd have the same reaction if this was a Democrat. 

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

It's Really Just How You Look At It

The Florida Board of Education thinks students should consider some positive aspects of human slavery...

Guessing at least a few of them would also insist that, hey, it got them out of horrible old Africa, so it all worked out, amirite?

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Living Marge

When one of the two major political parties is now largely a tabloid/reality television vehicle. 

Then again, it's not like it's really all that recent--the of the last four GOPee presidents were basically media creations. Reagan, a B-movie actor and television pitchman, Bush Junior, more marketing than business (his executive position with the Texas Rangers was a PR job), TFG was reality television and huckster for hire. 

MTG is TNG, though with an extra helping of tone deaf.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Kind Of Odd

Sure, it's getting reported, but there's a weird blasé vibe -- even though I can't remember a time in my life when dangerously warm weather affected, um, an entire hemisphere. 

Seems like that might be more important than an "in other news" segment. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

A Reminder...

...that not quite eight years ago yer librul media insisted (with the help/urging of sources I'm starting to think might be, I dunno, kind of conservative), anyway, they insisted email server management was the most pressing issue of the 2016 election cycle. 

Wrapped in the flag, carrying the cross...and aided/abetted by an elite media that allowed themselves to get played like the cheapest of fiddles.