Thursday, April 20, 2023

A Message From Dark Brandon To TFG's Kevin

Was polite about it, but basically told KMac to pound sand. 


Though let's hope they don't decide to drive off the damn cliff. 

Note: will be taking a three day weekend. 
Thanks to the few of you who stop by. Cheers!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Small Victory...But I'll Take It

Citizen Know Nothing was advised to remain silent after removing all doubt...

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

An Armed Society Is A Polite...Um, Wait A Minute

Two days, two completely unjustified shootings, one fatal, one almost certainly racist, then there's some all-too-candid revelations of certain McCurtain County (Oklahoma) public officials...oh, and Fox Noise came up with just under 790 million reasons to avoid a defamation lawsuit. 

Anger management issues and arrested development.

No wonder TFG's a major party candidate. 

But it certainly makes a statement about a good-sized swath of the citizenry. 

Could almost call them a basket of deplorables. 

Or a sack of shit.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Mouse Versus Clown

Not sure what's more pathetic, the initiative itself or the fact that he's bragging about it

Or that the elite press isn't reporting it as WTF?