Friday, October 21, 2022

And Let's Put TFG Under Oath As Well

Kind of a slacker day re: keeping up on things, but a very busy day with real life stuff...

Sorry for another recycled pic, but it's been that kind of Friday. 

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Put Him Under Oath

The whole clown show is about as pure an example of elite, conservative, and yeah, white, privilege as it gets. 

IOKIYAR, and R is now a full subsidiary of TFG.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Least They Can Do

Can't keep your kids safe, but they'll make it easier identify their remains if, you know.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Nice Global Economy...Shame If Something Happened To It

That the elite press still keeps letting the GOPsychopaths play this game is more evidence they're not merely out of touch, but actively complicit.

Things like this often don't end particularly well. 

Just saying. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

What, You Actually Believed Eric?

Of course TFG grifted the taxpayers. 

Hell, the NY Times even ran an extensive report a few years ago detailing how TFG's shit shop was originally funded.

Makes Hunter Biden look penny ante in comparison.