So, from the front lines of
Sean Hannity's New York City studio, Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson laid down the law for Middle East Radical Muslims: convert to Christianity or die. Yeah, that takes some real guts, not to mention some serious military training, mostly consisting of calling/shooting ducks...oh, and some super neato gear.
More seriously, one, you're not going to out brutalize the creeps and thugs that comprise ISIS -- for every drone strike, they'll "retaliate" with suicide bombings, or gruesome snuff videos, two, assuming that the entire Muslim world is their moral equivalent is like suggesting that every Christian is the same as Fred Phelps, and finally, in case no one's noticed, the whole point of the Iraq invasion in 2003 was to foment the great awakening in the Middle East...which has turned out to be less a dream and more a nightmare, especially for the majority of people living there. ISIS IS the bastard child of the whole WMD/neo-con "vision," which should give pause to anyone looking to up the ante with yet more violence -- because if one thing is certain, more violence of the "give war a chance" kind promoted by asshole Jonah Goldberg et al will...give us more violence...and where it ends, well...