Paul Waldman's mostly right here, but would be nice if he'd note the ongoing and relentless efforts from the Cult of the Savvy to normalize any and every action by the GOP while leading the charge against even the slightest efforts from Democrats to enact humane policies while adhering to both rules and customs (while also having to placate people like Man of La Manchin, etc.). Oh, and Dems are perpetually in disarray. Just ask Politico.
It's been an uneven playing field since at least the conservative reaction to the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and the War on Poverty (and you could probably go back to the New Deal or further if you want).
Biden's unlikely to break the trend, and whoever tries will face the bottled up combination of wrath and glee from the Cult since they'll finally be able to Both Sides© the narrative to their heart's content.
Just saying.
Have a good weekend.