Friday, November 05, 2021

Change The Logo

And call it Cable Myth Network. 

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Anything I Missed By Not Watching Election Returns Last Night?

OK, I lied a little bit: didn't watch the inevitable cable TV talking head meltdown -- or the triumphant bellowing from wingnut cable -- but kept an eye on websites and saw the pixels on the screen if not the writing on the wall. 

Well, fuck it. 

Dems lost in Virginia, and New Jersey is closer than it should've been. 

In other words, it was excellent news for John McCain. 

I dunno, maybe this will spur Democrats to do something other than panic or blame the libs...or maybe it won't. My voting pattern won't change, and I never forget they're the lesser-of-evils. 

But goddamn, it'd be nice if one, they'd manage to push something through (thanks, SineManchin), and two, you can't rely on the idiot media to point out that the GOP is batshit insane, with or without DJT. Youngkin did everything short of promise a return to separate-but-equal, which, ahem is neither and is bullshit. The media called it clever and daring. So forget about the media. 

Forget about the segregationists as well. 

There are still more of the rest of us than there are of them. 

But you need to earn our votes. 

End of rant.

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Bug Fuck Insane

Idiocy really is a bottomless pit. 

Otherwise, I might watch some election returns just out of a grim sense of duty, but there's at least one book on my list/shelf I should start reading...

Monday, November 01, 2021

"They Will Reject Democracy"

To repeat something I've said before, I'm not a big fan of David Frum, but when he's right...

And let's not forget that a generation or more of the media failing and/or selling out, take your pick, has played quite a supporting role, culminating in the direct line you can trace from "but her emails" to "Let's go, Brandon." 

Hope it was worth the insider access...