Friday, July 24, 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
The Cruelty Is The Point...And So Is The Rage
Trump wants the rage and the virus and the unemployment and the financial collapse to continue and, if possible, get worse — because wants his people to have something to be mad about.
He won’t give them any of the stuff he and they claimed he was going to give them in 2016, like mining and manufacturing jobs, new respect in the world, and an improvement on Obamacare. And you know what? I think they know it. In fact, I doubt they ever really thought he would give them those things.
Because just as he wants them to stay mad, they just want to stay mad, too. They want to stay mad that their coal and factory jobs never came back — and they don’t care that it was the globalization their own Republican politicians supported that killed those jobs. They want to stay mad that America is seen globally as a pitiful giant — even though it was Trump who made us a laughing stock. They want to stay mad that protestors are out in the streets of cities they’ll never even visit — even though it’s the smoldering, stinking mess Trump and the Republicans made of everything that put protestors in those streets in the first place.
That’s the really horrifying thing about the situation we find ourselves in now. It’s not a struggle between competing vision of how to fix the country — it’s a struggle between people who want to fix the country and people who just want something to piss and moan about.