Friday, November 04, 2016


Approaching the first very sad anniversary ... still much missed.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Only One More Week...I Hope

Of course, the 2020 race begins November 9th, but I'll be taking a break...I hope...and goddamn let's hope it's NOT an incoming Drumpf administration...

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

End of the Line...At Last

No, it's not over -- yet -- but we're finally at the end of the long, ugly slog. Like a seemingly endless, grim version of the Oregon Trail game...or the Oregon Trail. Let's just hope we're not the Donner Party.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

All For Mother Russia

I think I'm going to start skipping links -- sure you can find them anyway, and this space is becoming more a workspace/testing ground...thanks as always to anyone who stops by.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Zombie Nothingburger

No need for a link, but goddamn...I'll be glad when the election is over.