Friday, May 12, 2023

The Incredible Shrinking Shitheel

He's not going away--and it's not like TFG's any less of a shitheel/asshole--but the DeMise of DeSantis is somewhat amusing.

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

This Is CNN

Again, I'm sure you can find a link if you want, but send in the clown seems to sum it up.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Mr. Republican

If you're going to lie, might as well go big...

Move over, Robert Taft...

I'll pass on links, you can find them if you want.

But I will give a sarcastic shout out to the media elites, who could've easily investigated Santos and his--by Congressional Standards®--petty (and, in some instances, horribly petty and cruel) criminality before he eked out an election victory in what was supposed to be a Red Wave year.

Instead, they gave him a very Trumpian free ride, and if I remember, even tried to blame his opponent for not being sufficiently pro-active in spoon feeding them oppo research. 

Nice tell, elites: your journalism acuity is primarily wingnut background interviews, Fox Noise and...what else? Twitter?

And there's your problem. 

There would never be a Democratic Party George Santos--because the media would be reporting non-stop...based on scoops from the wingers, Fox Noise and blogs...

Way to go. 

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Christian Nationalism

I dunno, but color me skeptical, especially given their hero TFG's credentials. 

Liable for sexual assault and defamation seems at odds with the Christian message, though maybe not with the white nationalist flavor.

Also looks like a clear cut violation of the proscription on adultery and/or coveting your neighbor's wife,

Pretty sure one or more deadly sins, too. 

Monday, May 08, 2023

That Time Again

So much for the old and of course never true saw about an armed society being polite.

Wingnut paradise...