Another bite of the nothing burger. There are plenty of reasons to not think HRC is the Second Coming...but everything about this
non-scandal is a front and center
Exhibit A of the level of no small part because, in the end, Clinton is as much one of them as anything. The fact that this is being beaten to death and then some -- without the least concern for consistency (she's hiding email -- she's exposing email -- it's personal material -- it's national security material -- Huma Abedin-- oh my!) -- is BECAUSE
Clinton's otherwise a consummate Washington insider. Just like them. Clinton's a careerist --
just like them. In fact, the only difference, and it's exceedingly small, is that Clinton will likely, either by choice or by political pressure -- be ever so slightly less savage in dealing with, you know, all of us, than any of the nutjobs on the other side. And if anyone thinks Sanders or any of the Democratic Party alternatives wouldn't suffer the full treatment from the Villagers, well, two words: President Walker. And that's frightening enough to say the hell with the non-scandal. Oppose Clinton for all kinds of things: not immediately and forcefully opposing Keystone, or not restoring enough public funds to higher education, or any other honest issue to disagree on. But fretting over email is as bullshit as Benghazi. Besides, you know if utter dick
Dick Cheney is on one side, we should be on the other...