Friday, November 20, 2020

Just Wait Until 2024

Oh, they'd try it if they thought they could get away with it.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

I See Ghouliani Sprung A Leak

Guess they should take him offline and check under the hood...

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Vitruvian GOP Man

The more I think about it, the more "normal" DJT seems, at least insofar as the GOP has been batshit insane for generations. Trump is the logical outcome...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

More Evidence Of The Rot

The cult is alive and well in Michigan, despite the fact -- the fact -- that DJT lost the state. He lost. 

He also lost the vote nationally. 


Update: they changed their votes, but still...

Monday, November 16, 2020

Reminder: This Didn't Start With Trump

And you can probably go further back than Ronaldus Magnus for the sheer assholery, to Robert Taft (son of William H.), or even Herbert Hoover, but Reagan seems to be where they decided what the hell, no one cares about policy or even reality, so fuck that. And...sadly, they're probably right about their base. To the base, politics is just another reality TV show and fuck the libs when you can't own them.

Oh, and let's give a nice, sarcastic round of applause to the major media (golf claps or slow claps), which for decades enabled lies and bullshit under a both-sides/we-just-report regime. Oh, and special thanks to the NY Times, which has done this for even longer (Google their original reporting on the rise of a right wing movement in Weimar-era Germany). 

As for the Dems, sigh. I dunno, here's hoping Biden can work some magic, but consider: Nancy Pelosi (to her discredit) claims she quotes/cites Reagan in speeches...and do you think that's kept the wingnuts civil? Laff. 

I think Dave Neiwert is right: we're stuck with this for a long time. Hell, we've been stuck with it for a long time, but it was just a few of us on the left who bothered to notice...