"There might be dozens of universes right here in my fingernails, and there's no Iraq Civil War in any of THEM."
Talk about leaving reality. Rummy, Rice, and Pace are officially on the other size of the event horizon:
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that despite a surge in sectarian violence in Iraq, the process of creating a stable government is proceeding satisfactorily.
Rumsfeld was pressed to explain the U.S. military's plan to respond in the event that Iraq's sectarian violence grows into a full-fledged civil war.
"The plan is to prevent a civil war, and to the extent one were to occur, to have the — from a security standpoint — have the Iraqi security forces deal with it, to the extent they are able to," Rumsfeld said...
In her opening remarks to the Senate Appropriations Committee, Rice said most Iraqis are convinced that their hopes for a stable and secure nation will succeed despite the persistent insurgency.
Could we please put these people in a position they're actually qualified for?

"Would you like Freedom Fries with that?"
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