Dick Likes to Listen (In)
And the Democratic Congress
caves when it comes to our
privacy. Geez.
You know, this is only tangentially related, but yesterday I had a small yet nonetheless annoying wake up call on just how far we've regressed as a civil society: I've been bicycling a bit in a long-overdue effort to get in better shape...surprisingly, downtown Baton Rouge is an excellent place to ride. After most people decamp (via SUV) to their surburban McMansions, you've got good roads, low traffic, and pleasant views. Anyway, I'm no showboat, nor am I a bat out of hell on the roads...which is why a Louisiana State Trooper, annoyed that I had the nerve to get in HIS way on HIS road (for the record, Third St. at the Capitol itself) ORDERED me to the sidewalk via his onboard loudspeaker. Not because I was breaking the law, or hot-dogging and impeding traffic, but because he was in a big hurry to...well, I'm not sure, because he continued southbound on Lafayette St. at a leisurely pace.
Now, last I checked, I have as much right to the road as anyone. Despite this, I keep an eye out for cars and do everything I can to not be a hassle to them. And, you know, I even want to give the police as much respect as anyone. Sure, it's not an easy job...but when a cop behaves like, well, an asshole, it's hard not to think of him as anything but...especially when he either doesn't know the law or doesn't care. Just sayin.
For the record, I complied with his order until I was out of his line of sight. Not because I wanted to, but because you can bet cops like that are looking for any excuse to make things miserable...and of course they'll never have to account for their actions...just like the Bush-Cheney administration re: our right to privacy.