Ignoring the GOOD NEWS about New OrleansOyster took his camera out last weekend to put a rest to myths about the so-called snail's-pace of NOLA recovery, which
inspired me to steal his idea with a few pilfered pics of my own reminded me of my own photo odysseys throughout the city recently. I've decided to post some of these photos here as a way of agreeing with
YRHT that it's really a matter of perspective, and that the left-wing MSM©, with their shrill, zealous hatred of dear leader, wants nothing more than to falsely deride his glorious progress in restoring, indeed, improving the Crescent City above and beyond the wildest imaginations of those
ungrateful dark skinned people who, despite ample warning and free airplane tickets to Cancun, chose to stay put during the
flood resulting from poor levee/floodwall design and construction storm/Act of God that no one could have forseen (even though dear leader was
vacationing from his vacation and couldn't be bothered for four days fully prepared to lead the rescue and recovery effort).

Um, sorry, wrong picture...one of the staffers made a mistake. Rest assured--the person responsible for this mistake has been sacked.

Skyline--from the I-10 Bonnett Carre Spillway Bridge

Canal Street, going towards the river.

I-10, between Canal and Orleans Blvds.

Central Business District--Superdome in lower right hand corner.
As you can clearly see, New Orleans is doubleplusgood. And I hear the sugar ration's been increased to a half kilo a month.