Rising Above Principle...by Groveling for Cash
Krugman notes something I've long considered a real problem for any sort of genuine progressive change, that is, the reliance of Democrats on the same corporate donor base as the Rethugs, which kind slams the door shut if you think about it...
To be fair, he notes that, even still, there certainly are differences vis-a-vis the major parties on some issues...for example, Democrats want to fund S-CHIP, Rethugs prefer money going to death and destruction, with of course a substantial portion diverted to the wallets and coffers of their golf-buddies. Nonetheless, it's telling that progressives really have to settle for the lesser of evils, while on the flip side, supporters of evil have a veritable smorgasbord of options.
Of course, having a media that consists of one flat-out Rethug tool plus a handful of large corporations pushing--duh--a corporate line, doesn't add up to a lively debate. Indeed, I find it interesting that these days we've got both a government and media marching in lockstep virtually 180 degrees from the positions of a majority of the public...though right in line with those passing out the paychecks.
Then again, considering the outright contempt they're showing for "democracy" in Central Asia, I guess it's not all that surprising they display a rather substantial contempt for the same right here...