The Codpiece ShrinkethLooks like
Joe Klien's managed to sweat out or otherwise void most of the active ingredient of whatever Kool-Aid he's been sucking down for the last eight years.
Greenwald and
Instaputz have mroe.
Oh, I suppose some might have a bit of compassion for Bush, given the totality of his failure...however, I can't help but reserve my own compassion for the victims of George Bush's particular blend of pig-ignorance and arrogance, essentially a Fourth (or Fifth) Stooge, but minus any humor.
In comparison, Nixon, evil bastard he was, at least demonstrated some intellectual capacity...when he wasn't drunkenly ranting whatever minority group raised his hackles at that moment.
Besides, Shrub, of all people, is least likely to feel any effects resulting from his bone-headed administration--former presidents receive extremely generous pensions courtesy of we taxpayers...and I'm sure there will be plenty of wingnut welfare to boot.
At least we'll have history's verdict...which, at best, will be something like "out of his league." Boy, but I wish that would eat at him, but in truth, I doubt he's capable of genuinely understanding his puniness.