Friday, July 14, 2023

That's A Lot Of Money...

To hear a clown talk.


Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

He's Making A List

...of all the good little lawyers who let him wet his beak just a bit. 

Clarence pro quo.  

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

No, Just...No

Sigh, Man of La Manchin's either playing games or getting played

Probably nothing, but c'mon. 

Speaking of sigh, kind of busy here, will keep this short. 

Back tomorrow. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

When Your Special, Deep Background Witness, Is Wanted For Arms Trafficking

But, because it's the Republicans, it'll be gone in a news cycle or two.

If it was the Democrats, they'd be talking about it for decades.

Some librul media...

Monday, July 10, 2023


Long day, & the internet is crapping out over here -- again -- so I'll stray a bit. 

Has anyone else noticed Ron Tiny D DeSantis and Fucker, um, I mean, Tucker Carlson have remarkably similar, and creepy, weird, laughs?

Just saying, or, if you prefer, just asking a question...

Back tomorrow.