Friday, February 19, 2021



Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Hold My Beer...No, Hold MY Beer...No...

Of course they're failing...epically. 

The question is whether the corporate media will finally see charlatans for what they are, and not scuttle off to find something they can "both sides."  

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Everything's Bigger In Texas...

Including the failure, and including the finger pointing

The government can't promise everything, but these idiots need to take a civics course. Justice, domestic tranquility, and general welfare rank right up with common defense...

Monday, February 15, 2021

Credit Where It's Due

Maybe not a Profile in Courage, but then again, the ghostwritten Profiles in Courage wasn't exactly one either, more a manufactured appeal to Southern Democrats that also resulted in a manufactured Pulitzer Prize for JFK. 

But kudos to the Senior Senator for this vote. 

Will be out tomorrow, celebrating a socially distant and bitter cold Mardi Gras. Good that the weather makes the right choice a sane one as well.

Am also hoping that power and heat comes back on asap for those who've lost either or both, and that it stays on over here. Brrr, and cheers.