FEMA'd...AgainOnce again, the Gret Stet wound up on the
short end of the stick while the Bush administration placed politics above need, as usual.
It's not as if Mississippi doesn't deserve disaster relief, don't get me wrong. But it's hard to fathom or understand the degree of depravity with Team Bush: they're well aware of the disparity in damage...and the Army Corps of Engineers admitted that, in the case of New Orleans, it wasn't the disease, but the "cure:" their levees failed.
Shit, if the goddamned privatization worshippers had had their day back IN the day, we'd be looking at the biggest liability lawsuit in recorded history.
Well, ok, probably not--in fact, privatization ninnies usually squawk long and loud for, well, government protection...
and usually get it. Still...
reading the article--and later, hearing Blanco blast it as yet another instance of political favoritism...alas, governor, it's probably too little, too late: if you had said this from the outset, i.e., if you had realized that Team Bush would just as soon shove you under a bus as say hello (and they would've found a bus for
THAT), then people might still be listening. OK, tangent aside, my next thought was, well, what the hell do we expect from an agency that considers THIS acceptable housing

FEMA probably would consider THIS an acceptable surgeon

After all, they considered THIS an acceptable agency head

And, of course, THIS an acceptable president

Under the circumstances, as lunatic as they are, FEMA's decision today is well within their, um, line of reason, so to speak (reason being used in the same way that "logic" is used in conjunction with Microsoft Windows--not as an absolute descriptive, but more of a hit-or-miss sort of thing).
And something tells me
THIS would be their idea of a good bridge.