Friday, May 24, 2024

The Audition


A craven, mincing, boot-licking, running-mate-wannabe's best friend is his mother. 

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

What A Non-Surprise


The elite media will pretend it's not an enthusiastic endorsement because Haley's allegedly one of the good ones.

Hell, her Civil War gaffe's been memory holed, as has her stint as UN Ambassadorship for you know who. 

On it goes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Letting His Freak Flag Fly


Mrs. Alito has a flag for every wingnut occasion, it seems. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024

Planet Of The Apeshit


The concluding paragraph

It’s valuable on occasion to step back and take in how thoroughly this one guy has managed to infect every part of our political life, from our most important institutions right down to the way we talk—or don’t talk—to one another. And as he declines, and the justice system groaningly tries to hold him responsible, the stronger his hold on his shameless acolytes becomes and, therefore, the more profound the infection seems to become. At this point, I think there are people at the highest level of our politics who would vote for him and who would carry his water even if he were dead for six months. Was what Lewis Lapham once called our “wish for kings” so strong that we would accept anyone who we felt satisfied it? Are we all riding Caligula’s horse?