The Benny and Bobby Show
it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Now, don't get me wrong--I'm in favor of anything and everything that exposes the underlying fraud and hypocrisy of Jindal, and would prefer just about anyone or anyTHING for governor short of say, David Duke. But, I am wondering if the associated advertising campaign might be a case of, no pun intended, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
South Loosiana is as heavily Catholic as North Gret Stet is Protestant, and while the advertising campaign is certainly NOT playing in New Iberia, there's always the possibility of a backlash. Protestantism is dominant here in the Florida Parishes (Baton Rouge to the State line north of Lakes Maurepas and Ponchartrain), though Jindal is nonetheless quite popular...New Orleans is...well, the great unknown (Gret Unknown?) this election cycle.
Personally, I've been rid of the religion bug for some time now, so I really don't know all that much about any possible resentments between the One Church and the many churches. And again, I'm willing to settle for pretty much ANYTHING that'd put the skids on what's amounted to, thus far, a feeling that Piyush's election is an inevitability. We'll see...
UPDATE: ha--you know, just for fun I almost added a shot of everyone's favorite hot-air-sound-&-fury-signifying-even-less-than-nothing Catlick blowhard Bill Donohue to the picture above--but I thought I'd let sleeping curs lie...
turns out I should've done my research:
Bill Donohue, head of the Catholic League, a watchdog group, said it was a "scurrilous smear" job.Well, if he's opposed, it can't be all bad.
The rest of the article, as well as
Adrastos' observant post, suggests that something stuck, and stuck fast. Ineffective ads don't produce vintage whine. Good.
And, in honor of Bill opening his gaping claptrap, I decided to punch his ticket to the balcony.

Not exactly a holy trinity.