No Blood for Oil
Nope, no blood for oil...either more pathetic, or more cynical, depending on your point of view, is Shrub's latest scheme--
buying time with the stuff. Of course, it's not HIS blood, or the blood of anyone his narcissistic rat-assed self gives even half a damn about.
Just how sick and demented is this? Well, consider: back in the day, Ted Bundy's last-ditch attempt to save HIS narcissistic rat-assed self from an appointment with Old Sparky was called "
Ted's Bones for Time Scheme," i.e., he began a rambling series of kinda, sorta confessions, cruelly dangling the prospect of closure to grieving families in exchange for extra days.
In Shrub's case, it's merely his political life, and again, it's not like he's ever going to hurt for anything, even IF somehow the Democratic party developed a functioning spine and impeached him for any of the dozens of legitimate reasons. If Chimperor lost his government golden retirement package, Daddy would certainly step in with the needed funds. Still, it's instructive to watch the dauphin as he flounders ever more obviously, clinging the shreds of his legacy...and offering Fate more of OUR blood and treasure as...a stalling tactic.
If THAT doesn't tell you what sort of people we're talking about, I don't know what does...
Oh, and I guess everyone saw the headline today--in a classic "if Fredo were the Don" situation, a nominal "ally" got the kiss of death from Shrub--
in person. After all, why save such things only for your enemies, eh?
To be honest, I wonder just how "friendly" Sheikh Abdul Sattar REALLY was--alliances shift faster than the sands over there--but it certainly underscores the fact that everything Chimperor touches turns to shit...or dust.