Friday, July 26, 2024

J.B. And Me On JD

Doubtful he saw my effort, though nice I can say we agree,.

Is the movie Mini-Me also utterly lacking in charisma?

Well, let's hope TFG's Mini-Me stays in the Senate until his term ends and eventually becomes a trivia question. 

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Opposite Of A Soft Landing


Second place gets $10 dollars in Monopoly -- in a presidential election...

Not that it's over -- despite not understanding how any more or less sentient adult would think TFG as being even remotely presidential, they're there- - and thanks to the ridiculous Electoral College there's a chance actual-vote-second-place finisher TFG gets another four years to grift.

That said, I'm feeling better about this.

And, to repeat, good to see them sweat and squirm and equally good to watch the confusion from elite media when the narrative has to be set aside for some actual journalism. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Guy's turning out to be about as popular as, oh, New Coke, the Ford Edsel, Cats the motion picture, etc.

Again, nice to watch the bad guys squirm for at little bit... 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Hunter Biden's Laptop No Longer Newsworthy


We'll see what happens, I guess. 

My initial reaction was skeptical. I was a very young child in 1972 but I remember Eagleton's departure -- not that it would've made any difference, but it certainly contributed to the modern Dems-in-disarray the press trots out when columns need filling. 

But, so far, kinda good? 

Money's rolling in and one can hope the polling data is OK enough. 

Maybe they can pull this out.

And it's nice to watch the GOP squirm a bit. 

Serves their self-entitled asses right.