Lather, Repeat
I'll grant there's a certain instinctual, insect-like tenacity to the wingnut talking points, in this case Cliff May insisting that it's "
fair game" to smear Michelle Obama, who, last I saw, wasn't running for any elective office.
And it's not like it isn't part of a long-term pattern in wingnuttia, that is, reduction to the point of absurdity. Atrios wrote a small post along the same lines as to yesterday's deserved
smackdown of Kevin James by Chris Matthews...and hey, credit where credit's due--Matthews showed that good, solid journalism can enlighten by exposing sheer ignorance.
Off-hand, I can think of any number of ignorant wingnut expressions that never garner the sort critical examination a responsible free press would provide in highlighting the utter absurdity: "the Move On wing of the Democrat Party," or "the Michael Moore wing;" previous iterations were "government is the problem," "states' rights," "private sector efficiency"...I could go on and on. Now it's "Reverend Wright," "Michelle Obama..." and then you've got the dog-whistle stuff like "Dred Scott" and "just a comma."
Now, any thinking person realizes that dog don't hunt...but a lazy press repeating Swift Boat mantras can do plenty of damage simply by forcing a particular candidate to waste resources with a defensive strategy that ITSELF becomes the story, to the point where "business as usual" is a campaign devoted not to critical issues, but flag pins, the Pledge, a non-understanding of "appeasement," etc.
And, at least this time around, we're seeing what happens if the mud doesn't stick: wingnuts retrieve, and fling again...and again...and again. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be working this time, although I wonder when the press will decide to gang up on Obama...
Or maybe it's just that--sadly--hate is a luxury of sorts, and these days people have so much to worry about that it's a luxury they can't afford.
Oh, and watch: IF Obama wins, the wingnut shitstorm will try to smear all the Bush administration crap onto him...and they'll do so with the sort of sickening glee generally seen only in suicide bombers...
One more thing: sorry for the late start. Had a busy morning.