On Leadership
I've actually got nothing against cheerleaders. Indeed, these days, a good bit of cheerleading in high school and college is essentially a variant of gymnastics, and I think it's accurate to call cheerleaders athletes in those cases. Also, while it's not my shot of whiskey, I've got nothing per se against anyone who believes in team/school spirit. Live and let live...
But there's a difference between being
honest with the American people and the American military, as opposed to getting ever more
shrill even as
yesterday's rhetoric is tossed aside/swept under the rug in the hope that it won't be noticed.
Talk about mass delusion. It's not like the
rest of the world--
not to mention the Iraqis themselves--aren't getting a clear-as-a-bell picture of the
hellhole that is our handiwork in Mesopotamia. And the "but things are better than when Saddam was..." argument no longer cuts it. Saddam's dead, and may he rot/suffer in hell. Iraq, whether we like it or not, reflects George W. Bush's worldview. It's his baby.
And, as is the case with most things of his, it's mighty ugly.