Nouvelle Orleans
Well, it is an international city:
The cash-strapped city of New Orleans is turning to foreign countries for help to rebuild as federal hurricane-recovery dollars remain slow to flow.
Kenya Smith, director of intergovernmental relations for Mayor Ray Nagin, said city leaders are talking with more than five countries. He wouldn't identify the countries, saying discussions were in the early stages. But he said the city is "very serious" about pursuing foreign help.
"Of course, we would love to have all the resources we need from federal and state partners, but we're comfortable now in having to be creative," Smith said. He did not know if the city would have to overcome any obstacles if it got firm pledges for aid, but "we want to make sure we're leaving no options unexplored."
For months Nagin has complained bureaucracy is choking the flow of much-needed federal aid dollars to New Orleans - slowing the city's recovery. As of June 8, the city said it had received just over half of the $320 million FEMA has obligated for rebuilding city infrastructure and emergency response-related costs. The city has estimated its damage at far more than that - at least $1 billion. And that doesn't include other improvements - such as raised neighborhoods - meant to help build the stronger city promoted by Nagin and his recovery director.
Discussions with foreign representatives have been occurring off and on since the storm, but Smith said the city became re-engaged after a news report in April that millions of dollars in aid offered by foreign countries after Hurricane Katrina went unaccepted.
It wasn't clear how much of the $854 million in aid originally offered remained on the table. In Katrina's wake, Cuban President Fidel Castro's proposal to send more than 1,000 medical personnel to New Orleans was among the offers of aid.
The federal government accepted about $126 million from foreign sources and encouraged some countries to give instead to private groups such as the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told a congressional committee last month.
Nagin said city officials are now trying to skirt the Bush administration and contact foreign governments directly "to see if we can get some of those dollars coming here."
Separately, Adam Sharp, a spokesman for U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., said Landrieu is working with the government of Saudi Arabi on ways it can help restore New Orleans' City Park.
In addition, Landrieu joined Sens. Joseph Biden, D-Del., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., in asking Rice to respond to whether the United States is better positioned now to accept foreign aid should the need arise again.Hmmm...something tells me we'd see state of the art Cat-5 hurricane protection, plus viable, comprehensive plans to reverse coastal erosion...AND high speed rail...before any of Castro's doctors disembark in the Crescent City (personally, I'd take the help--after all, it's not like Fidel has ANYTHING on the Saudis, but I'm not the one deciding, nor do I reside in the city, so...)...anyway, everything else would not only be a step in the right direction, but would underscore the federal governments embarrassingly inept and pitiful efforts. It might also provide another spark of hope...even as
New Orleans defies the odds and moves forward, albeit painfully slow.
Aside: the other night I saw something called
Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel. The show's been in the Gret Stet before, and this most recent episode focused first on people gutting houses, then on folks working in pest control. If you happen to catch the show, I'd recommend it, if only to note the surprisingly confident--hell, indomitable--attitudes. Far from embodying any wingnut stereotype, the people featured were actively working--and working hard--to make things better...while more than once making typically Gret Stet promises of those small but essential celebrations that come at the end of a hard day: good food and drink, plus warm, pleasant company. No wonder the shrieking wingnut harpies don't get it.
They're torn trying to decide if it's worth it to crawl out of their parents' basement today...