Monday, December 30, 2024

Mediocrity Is Its Own Reward


Whether the TFG former and future's endorsement matters is an open question, I guess. 

Something tells me MAGA Mike might be wishing he'd taken the beauty contest instead of the Speakership before too long. 

Anyway, adios to 2024. 

I'll be taking a few days off to ring in the new year. 


Friday, December 27, 2024

The MAGA Civil War


Or is it the War of MAGA Aggression? 

Who knows, but yeah, let them fight

With luck, it'll keep them distracted for a while. 

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Keeping The Faith


Really just kind of sad, a modern version of waiting for The Great Pumpkin.

And, hell, these voters are less rational actor and more true believer, might take some time before you see any evidence of buyer's remorse...maybe. 

Pretty clear "the economy" is less an issue and more an excuse for a lot of these folks...

Monday, December 23, 2024


Not sure if I've gone on the record to support the use of taxpayer dollars to send Elon Musk to Mars, but will do so now, and sure, why not, let's use taxpayer dollars to send him to Greenland as kind of a trial run. 

Sorry, Greenland.

But maybe you can find some out of the way place--looks like there's plenty of room.

Otherwise, Happy Holidays. 

I'm taking a few days off...until then, Cheers!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Private Email Server Concerns Are Soooooo 2016


But don't worry, I'm sure if a Democrat manages to get elected, the media will pivot.

You know, Eurasia, East Asia, whatever, amirite?

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Oh What Fun


No sense in adding a link. I'm sure if you're here you've heard or read things, and damn, just, goddamn. 

Meanwhile, there are some very disturbing things about the Madison school shooting

I realize, sadly (as you can see below), school shootings, and mass shootings, are so routine they cycle out of the news quickly, but there were some serious red lights flashing that were badly missed or ignored...

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

It's In The Report


Does it matter? 

No, not really, though it should demonstrate what a scumbag he is. 

Meanwhile, Upper Class Twit of the Year managed to blow up a continuing resolution to fund the government.

The next four years might not be smooth sailing... 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024



Leave it to the establishment Dems...

What did Reagan say about them? 

They never pass up a chance to pass up a chance, or something like that.

And Pelosi regularly reminds people of how often she cites Reagan. Just saying.  

A few years ago I came across a Nixon tape .mpeg with Hubert Humphrey congratulating Dick on the 1972 election, and admitting he'd done as little as possible for McGovern. 

Wouldn't surprise me if this generation's elite Democrat feel similarly about their progressive wing.

Another line I remember from somewhere is: the Republican party fears their base, the Democratic Party despises theirs.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Another Day

Few details at the moment, but the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness abruptly ended for -- at the moment -- two people, thanks to the violent exercise of 2nd Amendment rights by a third, who subsequently shot herself.

I guess the wingers will need to skip the hardened doors distraction, since the shooter was a student. 

And with it being a Christian Academy (in Madison, of all places!), probably won't see them trotting out the "we need to put Jesus back in the classroom," etc. 

So, we'll get the other tropes, more security, metal detectors, invasive searches, until it's forgotten about, which will happen. 

The only way a school shooting will last through a few news cycles before everyone forgets about it is if, sorry to be so candid, the body count is exceptionally high or if there are other aggravating circumstances, which a part of me thinks could be the case here, not that I have any evidence...

Friday, December 13, 2024

Do The Brain Worms Come With A Side Of Polio?


They might, if the nominee to run Health and Human Services has his way!

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Ripped From The Headlines


Sigh, busy day here -- I got nothing, but saw the caption above, and...

Back tomorrow. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024



Punch line: he still voted for him.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

LOLZ, Nothing Means Anything


Ethics, Schmethics

And the informed public weighs in


Monday, December 09, 2024

Partial Reckoning For Leatherface


Likely the closest we'll get to any semblance of justice for a creep like Rupert. 

Looks like he can appeal the ruling, but I sincerely hope his family squabbles and legal maneuverings cause as much stress as possible. 

Because fuck him. 

That's why. 

Friday, December 06, 2024


Difficult to be more outrageous than the open grift, but the normalization by the elite media comes close. 

They are all Morning Joe now...and what the hell, they were back in 2015. 

TFG made/makes easy copy. 


Have a good weekend. 


Thursday, December 05, 2024

Delay, Deny, Defend


I won't cheer for murder, but I also think insurance companies have earned their near universal public hatred. 

Can speak from grim experience. 

So, sure, thoughts and prayers, but also for victims of insurance companies' casual cruelty.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024



Elect a clown, and you'll get a circus.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Petty Kash


Am beginning to understand how people felt after Nixon's win in 1972. 

Monday, December 02, 2024

Beg Pardon


Nothing more to add here besides the picture, so I'll skip a link but will note instead that the hand wringing and hysterics are ridiculous and completely predictable. 


Anything else is excuses after the fact. 

Leave Hunter Biden alone. 


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024


Not exactly the harvest festival I was anticipating; hoping you have as happy a celebration as you can under the circumstances. 

Back on Monday. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Boo Hoo


Showing his true self: total disregard for the harm he caused while loudly whining about how unfair he's being treated.

Monday, November 25, 2024



Others have pointed out the more-than-a-little-glaring contradiction in the House Speaker's defense of Matt Gaetz while loudly insisting every lurid detail of Hunter Biden's private life be subject to scrutiny. 

Hmm...are there any other examples?

And, because it's Monday and it was busy I'll skip a link, but anyone else remember the shitstorm unleased over the final campaign weekend over a very modest Joe Biden gaffe? 

You know, it probably made little difference, but it certainly was a tell, and I'm sure anyone stopping by knows/gets, but goddamn the elite press and their latest round of victim blaming when it comes to the election. 

Democrats have. Bent. Over. Backwards, trying to frame a message that's acceptable to the wingers and their allied elite media. Occasionally they manage to succeed in spite of the barrage of opportunistic criticism that simultaneously accepts every wingnut proclamation, no matter how absurd, as valid, while demanding any liberal proposal be watered down in advance, or larded up with enough bureaucratic inertia to ensure hassles and headaches, which become reasons to reject.

Until something changes, nothing will change. 


Friday, November 22, 2024



Might explain some things

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Butthead Bails


So, guess we've got an idea of how far is too far when you're a Repub.

And apparently the only price to pay is having to settle for wingnut welfare instead of the executive suite.

OK then.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Piss, It's Their Obsession


Well, maybe it's more than just that, but good lord. 

Grow up. 

People drunk on power will often reveal who they are, and it's not a pleasant sight. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

But Seriously, Fuck This Guy


Sucks he's not been drummed into total irrelevance...

I wouldn't want to know him, or be a neighbor, or have to listen to him, or anything. 


And a coward. 

Fade away and radiate.

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations


Gift link if you haven't seen it yet, and yeah, add me to those in agreement. 

The degree to which MAGA attitudes -- and their predecessors (Tea Party/Contract With America, Reaganites, etc.) -- were internalized and normalized by the elite media, with a lot of help from the wingers--is significant and destructive. 

But it's also generations in the making. 

Rot runs deep.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Opinions Differ


Just depends on perspective, I guess, though would be nice if a constitutionally protected entity would step up from the one side, the other side, two sides, both sides, and especially "we report, you decide©" that rules their world, and earn the protection. 

It's not just with economics, but that's one I also noticed. And while I won't scoff at people complaining, there was also plenty of opportunistic sniping, as evidenced by the remarkable turnaround. 

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Clown Car Filling Up Quickly



Thinking the model is government as reality television, which might be good for CBS (sarcasm), but my gut tells me actual reality might get significantly worse with a Keystone Kops Executive Branch. 

Time to fasten my seatbelt, and maybe make sure my passport is up-to-date. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

OK, Now It Has (Begun)


Meet the new AG designate

Given everything else, might be apt that Butthead replaces Milquetoast Garland, who really went above and beyond in timid institutionalism, though insipid recklessness with a few show trials for good measure is more downward spiral than upgrade. 

Welcome to the fun house.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

It's Hasn't Even Begun


But definitely will be a horror show when it's not a freak show. 

Hang on. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Not The Sole Reason...


Fox is just the most prominent, but the greater wingnut noise machine has really been demonizing pretty much the left of TFG. 

I don't spend, well, any time in that particular swamp/sewer--one can only take so much. 

It might've been nice, however, if the outlets who consider themselves above partisan howling had  more forcefully countered the crazier talk instead of rewarding it. 

But...they didn't. 

And now we get to face the consequences.

Update: someone else said it better. 

Friday, November 08, 2024

More Economic Anxiety


I'm sure it's just day-to-day stress causing this.

Add in elite media bias -- TFG and JD said some truly vile stuff that got sanewashed and normalized. Joe Biden couldn't rightly call out garbage as garbage without a full court shitstorm, which of course includes -- requires -- allegedly librul types to join. 

National politics in the US these days is almost like an abusive relationship. Democrats constantly find themselves on pins and needles, having to justify any/all policies and proposed legislation through the lens of "a conservative country," while the GOP openly courts bigots, misogynists, and racists, all with the explicit approval of the political press, which now considers fascist language acceptable enough to win-the-day. 

But something tells me we won't see that mentioned. Instead, we're already being told Kamala Harris was too woke.

Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. 

Have a nice weekend. 

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Not Buying The Inflation Argument


Calling bullshit regardless of what anyone else says. 

Inflation wasn't the reason, it was the excuse. 

Economically anxious people don't spend thousands of dollars on guns and ammo, vehicles almost as large as my residence, or MAGA-branded gear, etc. 

Hate is a drug, and they're high AF on it.

So, no, I'm not meeting hatred half way. 

As to my personal future,, for now. My actual life, or semblance of one, is OK, knock on wood. I'll keep plugging away as long as I feel modest inspiration, and to the few who stop by, thanks as always.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024



As you probably expect, not exactly an uplifting twenty four hours, and the next four years aren't likely to be any better. 

I'll echo others saying we really thought the country was better than, um, TFG and his Mini-Me.  

Guess we were wrong, and the Hunter Thompson line about a nation of used car dealers is as true today as it was in 1972. 

More here if you haven't read it yet.

So, I'll mourn the loss, and obviously need to evaluate my future actions in light of living in a country that chose not just fascism, but a particularly vengeful, venal, stupid, bigoted and ugly form of it. 

Back tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Gut Punch

Not over, but damn.

Back tomorrow. 

Monday, November 04, 2024

All Over But The Shouting


Hoping for some major MAGA butt hurt. 

Guess we'll find out. 

Sigh, sending TFG on a one way trip to Alsoranville, in the realm of Loserdom, is a good start, but it's not the end. 

There's a substantial number of bug-fuck crazies, and the elite media will go all out to sanewash them in the name of whatever (balance, existing bias, etc.). 

So, I hope, the page is turned, but there's still a whole lot of chapters left.

Friday, November 01, 2024

On Apostrophes And Possibly Altered Official Transcripts


And pay no attention to homicidal fantasies from the GOP candidate for president

Just trying to learn what is and isn't fit to print. 

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween


TFG still has a chance to be elected...again. 

Ought to scare the shit out of us. 

Back tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Yeah, Actually -- I'm Tired Of The Gaslighting


And I think a lot of others are as well. 

Or, at least I hope others are

Friday, October 25, 2024


 Out of town for a few days. Probably won't post on Monday either. Thanks to any of you who still drop by, and have a good weekend.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Brought To You By Putin


Guess it figures the far-right would cozy up to a former KGB agent, though there's a certain superficial irony in it. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Stakes


Clearly noted here.

Some cautious optimism here.

Two weeks.

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations


Am only slightly surprised TFG didn't claim McD Employee-of-the-Month-but-for-every-month-ever and that the NYT didn't immediately deem it fit to print. 

They tried to sweep his I-heard-a-story-about-Arnie's-junk speech opener, and then there's, well, the last decade.

Maybe it's more than a coincidence.

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Upselling Of The President


Add this to the definitely-not-normal-if-not-just-plain-weird aspect of this election. 

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

It's The Bigotry...

Credit where it's due, though it's also about time, and it should be emphasized repeatedly -- we need immigrants, and not just as a bottom line, or as charity, or whatever. 

And MAGAs nativism is bigotry. 

Would be nice if the elite media did everything they could to keep from reporting it. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Shit Or Shinola? Opinions Differ

Definitely a first for a major party nominee in the modern era.

Something tells me it's not likely to catch on, though of course the NYT sanewashed it (BTW, TFG joked about the medical emergencies).

Monday, October 14, 2024

All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets Shot


I'm so fucking sick of shit like this and damn I hope enough voters feel the same way. 

Between their own violent tendencies and the firehose of rage delivered each news cycle courtesy of Murdoch, MAGA has some serious anger management issues, to state the obvious, though when you're an elite media critter looking for economic anxiety in a local flyover country diner, maybe it becomes easy to miss.

Friday, October 11, 2024

By And By


The circle and a whole lot else is broken in what's left of whatever's in his skull. 

Have a good weekend.