Friday, July 09, 2004


So, now they tell us it was all smoke and mirrors. Imagine that.

Next time, why not outsource war of convenience intell to, say, a Department of Unremitting Hypocrisy, because for all the headlines touting the failures, no one has placed blame squarely where it belongs--on the collective shoulders of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the twin towers of stupidity and hubris. The Senate report (deliberately, if you ask me) sidesteps the issue of whether administration officials pushed for interpretations to fit their agenda, but I think anyone with a few functioning brain cells and a sense of recent history knows that the Bush team did everything short of throwing a public temper tantrum in its zeal to invade. The whole point in launching it back in March of 2003 was to ensure that all the messy details would be ironed out in time for a 2004 election victory parade.

What's the saying? Be careful what you wish for?

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