Friday, September 24, 2004

Welcome to Kidnapping Country

Six more hostages have been taken in Iraq, although I don't expect the US press to focus too much on the victims, given that they're neither British nor American. However, for folks who's concern for humanity extends to those beyond the borders of the US or our western allies, here's some rather unpleasant news about the hostage taking and kidnapping phenomenon in Mesopotamia:

So why is it that the snuff movies, which are being deliberately distributed by the killers, are being snapped up in their thousands on DVDs across Iraq? A year ago Iraqis liked nothing better than buying illicit pornography or video footage of Saddam Hussein’s henchmen torturing and killing their victims. It was assumed that this lurid fascination would wear off now that, after 40 years of state television, Iraqis have access to 24-hour satellite television. But no, something more disturbing is at work here.


Richard Beeston, the author of the above paragraph, goes on to provide a glimpse of the reality for any westerner in Iraq who isn't wearing a military uniform (or employed as a private guard). It's not very hopeful.

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