Wednesday, November 24, 2004


I came across several stories regarding an attempt to impeach Tony Blair--apparently in England, plenty of people aren't real happy about the various lies Tony spun in order to at least partially put Britain in the quagmire. Check them out.

Since I'm not real sure how the impeachment process works in the UK, I have no idea how big of an embarrassment this will be for Blair. There's no way he'll be thrown out of office, but the humiliation factor could be significant--impeachment hasn't been considered in the House of Commons since the middle of the 19th century (in spite of any number of sex scandals involving government officials over the ensuing 150 years)...

And, off topic, but: I wonder how the ministers of morality who went apeshit over Clinton and Lewinsky would react if, say, their dear leader was caught in a compromising situation with an adoring intern of his own?

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