Thursday, August 11, 2005

Easy for Him to Say--But Still Wrong

His Shrubness deigned to utter a word or two about Cindy Sheehan today, while insisting that his "policy" in Iraq, which as best as I can discern consists awarding fat-cat, cost-plus contracts to his cronies while other people--like Casey Sheehan--are killed with grim regularity--is the right thing to do:

Bush said he had "heard the voices of those saying, 'Pull out now.'" And he said, "I've thought about their cry and their sincere desire to reduce the loss of life by pulling our troops out. I just strongly disagree."

"Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy," the president told reporters between meetings with his military and foreign affairs advisers.

Outside his sprawling ranch, California mother Cindy Sheehan sat on the road with a growing group of war protesters who have pitched tents in shallow ditches. Sheehan's son, Casey, was killed five days after he arrived in Iraq last year at age 24.

It's awfully easy to argue in favor of "staying the course," when you and yours aren't doing the dying. More important, there's not a shred of evidence that maintaining the US presence is somehow convincing "the terrorists" of anything, except perhaps the extreme stupidity of the administration. Instead of showing leadership, they opt for cheerleadership--without taking into account the costs of their ugly little war. Like the cost paid by CASEY Sheehan, Mr. President--one of the 1,840 (and counting) killed.

You should remember at least ONE of their names--after all, you're the one who sent them off to die.

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