"fresh blood for feasting..."
Almost 1100 people found eternal "freedom" last month in Baghdad:
Baghdad's morgue reported that 1,091 people were killed in the city's daily violence in April, the Iraqi president's office said in a statement Wednesday.
In the upsurge in sectarian violence after the February 22 attack on a Shiite shrine in Samarra, slain bodies have been found almost daily in the capital, many showing signs of being tortured.
The mosque attack inflamed tensions between Sunni Muslims, the Muslim sect that controlled Iraq during Saddam Hussein's reign, and Shiite Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the population.
"We feel shocked, saddened and angered," President Jalal Talabani said about the violence.
Talabani said these killings are no less dangerous to Iraqis than terror strikes. He called for all Iraqi security forces and political leaders to take immediate and forceful action to end the bloodshed.
CNN's also carrying a story marked "exclusive" about the trauma teams operating in the war zone. If they're airing it, I'm sure they've either heavily edited or suggested discretion.
Meanwhile, "model city" Tal Afar (cited as such by idiot Shrub last March--next thing you know, he'll cite "Falluja") saw a suicide bomber disguised as a discount flour salesman kill almost two dozen people...the report suggests women and children were primary victims.
And Billmon, as always, lends some much needed and well written perspective to the whole sorry charade.
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