Thursday, August 03, 2006

de·lusion·al adj. : relating to, based on,
or affected by delusions e.g., a delusional
Secretary of Defense

Rumsfeld must've gotten his grubby little hands on some of the heaviest drugs in the Pentagon pharmacopeia:

I have never painted a rosy picture [re: Iraq]

And, echoing his geographic acumen as to WMD ("We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat"), the SecDef demonstrated his unique understanding of the relation between insurgency and meteorological conditions:

Does the violence tend to be up during the summer, in the spring, summer and fall months? Yes it does. And it tends to decline during the winter period.

To steal a line from WIIIAI, I'm waiting for Rummy to suddenly announce:

Dude, I am so high right now.

More about the Senate hearings today here and here.

I wonder if, like with Nixon during "The Final Days,", someone's passed the word around to ignore any direct orders from the doddering idiot SecDef. I dunno, it might be a good idea...except that the alternate, um, "deciders" are Smirk-Chimp and Deadeye Dick. Hmmm...

Still, at this point, "doddering idiot SecDef" might be putting it kindly. I'm beginning to think Rummy might be so out of it as to live on his own little planet...

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