Moving to Mesopotamia, the news is pretty much what a reality-based person might expect under the (extremely grim) circimstances: hundreds more killed, wounded, and/or tortured, US military options ranging from bad to worse (even as US soldiers aren't really considered as part of the equation, except perhaps as numbers...numbers killed or wounded), Shrub channeling his "inner brainstem" (ditto for the "sensible liberals")...
But a distinct measure of the LACK of success Team Bush is experiencing in Iraq can be measured by the fact that you can't even have him showing up on an announced visit without staying overnight, as he's doing in Indonesia. No, Iraq is the black hole of official travel, hosting the "secret" trips by various administration officials, complete with stomach churning final approaches to Baghdad International. Nice...
And while wingnuts continue to insist, with ever more delusion, that we're simply not hearing about all the "good things," it's mighty interesting how few have opted to stop by for a visit themselves. You'd think they might be eager to demonstrate to those of us reality-based types just how fun a Mesopotamian vacation could be...and they've got the added bonus of Iraq being home to an extensive number of Biblical archeological sites...well, at least until they're destroyed.
Of course, anyone visiting might want to make sure they're up-to-date when it comes to life insurance...I guess the old saying "God helps those who help themselves" might be appropriate under the circumstances.
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