It's small justice, but deep down Karl Rove KNOWS that if the dictionary definition of "wanker" included a picture, it'd be a close up of his ugly mug:
In a question-and-answer period after his speech, Rove was asked whose idea it was to start a pre-emptive war in Iraq.
“I think it was Osama bin Laden’s,” Rove replied.
No, Karl, it was you and your buddies' idea, and y'all sure-as-hell didn't give two shits about a war of aggression when it only meant a few American deaths...
...and, let's face it, neither Karl nor most of the GOP gave or gives a crap about Iraqi deaths...they barely count as props.
No, when it was minimal casualties, followed by carrier landings, commander codpiece, and Mission Accomplished speeches, it was all good fun...well, until it blew up in their face. Dumbasses.
No, it wasn't bin Laden's idea...but you couldn't have handed him a nicer gift if you'd gotten down on bended knee and presented it on a silver platter. Worse still, you continue to allow people to die, just because to admit failure would be...such an ego deflation.
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