You can watch Goodling's testimony at First Draft, Firedoglake is live-blogging, and TPM Muckraker links to two stories in the WaPo and LA Times, the latter containing this tidbit:
After law school and a stint during the 2000 election doing opposition research for the GOP, Goodling landed in the public affairs office at the Justice Department.
That says it all: a so-called Christian dredging the bottom, no doubt willing to pass along any rumor, no matter how unfounded, as long as it smelled sufficiently foul.
Because that's how "oppo" works.
Oh, I'm sure you'll see a different Monica Goodling today, thoroughly scrubbed, appropriately attired, and sounding quite sincere. But bullshit walks and actions speak volumes. And nothing reeks worse, in my book, than the genuine sleaze of the politics of hate...perfected by...fake Christians like Goodling.
As the saying goes, I wish there WAS a hell for people like her to rot in...
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