Agent Orange is still horribly maiming and killing in Vietnam, over thirty years after the war ended. Indeed, many victims are young children...not exactly "enemy combatants," nor willing participants...
I suppose some elements of wingnuttia would, if pressed, consider them "collateral damage," while your more vicious 'nuts would resort to statements ranging from crude to cruel (and that's being diplomatic).
Makes you wonder what it'll be like in Iraq. After all, it's not like there aren't numerous examples of lingering DU effects from Gulf War I and the subsequent decade-long bombing campaign. In fact, if you're not squeamish, you can look up "dioxin," "Agent Orange," "Depleted Uranium," or variations on those, and see all sorts of horrific examples of...our tax dollars at work, unfortunately.
Well, if nothing else, such things make an absolute mockery out of any pro-war arguments centered on so-called "concern" for the Iraqi people. As things stand, the war has merely substituted one set of murders for another--hardly an improvement. Dumping poisons and toxins for some long-term maiming and suffering doesn't help either...
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