Monday, December 31, 2007

Oil Dick

Mission Accomplished:

Oil prices ended the year near $96 a barrel, or 57 percent higher than where they began, and analysts expect rising demand and geopolitical instability to keep upward pressure on energy costs early in 2008.

Oh, but pity the poor oil companies, who "only" earned $50.3 billion dollars in the first three quarters of last year. Hell, I'm surprised Dick doesn't offer them a bailout package.

Then again, maybe he's too busy counting the profits on his Halliburton options, which rose in value some 3000% over the last couple of years (h/t Suspect Device for the link--scroll down to number 2)...

On the bright side, 2008 promises to bring an end to the Bush administration, which can't come soon enough. Of course, if there was any real justice, 2008 would see the conviction and imprisonment of most of the administration...but I'll settle at this point for their unlamented and permanent exit from the political stage.

Have a Happy New Year, y'all.

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