Alas, I couldn't resist amping up my outrage meter despite it being an otherwise pleasant day--thanks to the "historic" event, I was given a day off...most probably because it's already going to be a traffic headache with the closed roads, and adding several hundred cars to the mix would make it a nightmare.
Anyway...via Oyster, Ashley, First Draft, and Morwan, I took a look at American Digest's latest exercise in relying on the analytical power of the brain-stem when it comes to New Orleans and the flood.
You know, to me one of the saddest elements of the entire line of genuinely demented thought is that many of the people so disposed somehow manage to warp a veneer of Christianity on top of it all...as if God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and all the assembled saints in heaven decided that compassion was for wussies, and that what New Orleans residents really needed in 2005 was suffering, devastation, loss of property, death...followed by the contempt of their fellow citizens. Sort of an arbitrary "tough love" on an mass scale.
Fortunately for all of us, this is certainly an opinion NOT shared by the vast majority of Americans; nonetheless, the fact that some folks evidently feel ZERO shame in expressing it is troubling. Troubling enough for me to note the following in A.D.'s (no pun intended) comments:
I certainly hope that Mr. Vanderleun and all the others who feel compelled to demonstrate their antipathy towards their fellow citizens will likewise denounce such antiquated notions as, say, the Christian religion. Compassion? Empathy? What for?
After all, Jesus knew what was going to happen, he had plenty of warning, but evidently was too dumb and/or lazy to get the hell outta Jerusalem (you know how THOSE people are). I guess he expected the Roman government to bail him out in the end, but Pilate gave the people a choice...and they chose Barabbas (kind of like choosing Houston--or Metarie--over NOLA, come to think of it).
On the other hand, Judas Iscariot would make a fine symbol of worship for the anti-NOLA crowd: no mere handout for him, but instead, a valuable service for his thirty pieces of silver, pointing out a known troublemaker, hustler, grifter to the proper authorities. He also didn't demand any namby-pamby librul compassion when he'd outlived his usefulness but took matters into his own hands...something I certainly hope the anti-NOLA contingent will know to do once they likewise are no longer fit for useful work. And if the work they're presently engaged in is NOT useful, then let's hope they don't waste any more of our resources: rope, tree, some assembly required.
Christians: geez, they almost dragged the whole enterprise down with their silly empathy and compassion...
Well...I just heard the F-15's pass overhead, which I think means the Jindal administration has officially begun...because what's a more appropriate way to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power than a display of military might? As for me, maybe I'll take a walk that way...then try to knock out some chores. Hopefully I'll also be able to budget in a post or two more. Cheers.
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