Friday, February 22, 2008

The bin Laden Vote

In case you haven't figured out that wingnut "analysis" is roughly akin to normal people's "brain-stem function," Faux News provides ample evidence, first by running, then airing the results of what's got to be one of the most idiotic polls ever conceived...then evidently ensuring a winger skew in the response. I mean, c'mon: the GOP/Wingnut contingent might as well be a silent partner of Al Qaeda, having nurtured them for literally a generation...hell, yesterday I stumbled upon a picture of St. Reagan himself fawning over a visiting contingent of "freedom fighters" in the Oval Office.

Without Team Bush, bin Laden would still be just as much of a loon, but far less powerful, if not permanently dispatched to whatever circle of hell his reservation is consigned to.

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