Busy morning here, and I'm off to a late start...saw the Rude Pundit say this about the Clinton campaign's latest strategy, and it hit home:
By the way, Texas deciding the future of the country? Goddamn, sometimes it aches that Molly Ivins ain't here tell us how insane this has become.
Shouldn't we as a country have learned our lesson by now? Oyster's previously noted the apt comparison between Texas Chief Executives (although LBJ was a shrewd politician, and a reasonably astute human being who actually had a sense of compassion; Shrub's an intellectual midget and self-centered scion of old-money blue bloods masquerading--rather poorly--as salt-of-the-earth Middle Americans...you know, the whole "summer" as a verb thing.)
Oh, and if I remember right, Dick...Cheney, that is, had to shuffle his residency when he presented himself with the brass ring back in 2000--it looks like there's some sort of arcane Electoral College rule about candidates from the same state. Fortunately for Dick...Cheney (but to the country's detriment), he owns multiple homes (and probably a collection of skulls he personally shrunk), and was able to engage in a bit of legal fiction.
But that makes three, and personally, I think "fool me...won't get fooled again" might well be the best strategery. I'm sure there are many fine, fine people in the Lone Star Stet (and shoot, I think I even have some distant relatives living there), but when it comes to politics, the word is...dud.

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