While I don't feel all that sorry for Eliot Spitzer--after all, a politician who makes his name as a moral/ethical crusader getting caught literally with his pants down is about as close as you can get to the epitome of "hoist with his own petard," (though somehow David "family values" Vitter got/gets a pass...hmmm...I guess IOKIYAR trumps)...anyway, I couldn't help but think that it speaks volumes, and not in a good way: sexual activity--admittedly, for money--between consenting adults is pronounced a political death sentence the very same week that literal torture in the form of waterboarding is officially sanctioned by the federal government.
Oh, and NPR at least had one guest on who pointed out the very odd circumstances FDL's noted--the odds of this really being an "out of the blue" instance of "unusual cash transfers" are slim and none...
But with the powers vested in the federal government at the petulant request of Team Bush, we might all find ourselves having to explain our personal business to the man one day. I wonder if the country really feels any safer as a result...
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