Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How Unpopular?

Maybe this will give you an idea--this region is about as wingnut as it gets, at least amongst the white population. A presidential visit--yeah, I know, to a private fundraiser--would nonetheless normally be a big, big deal...

But Shrub doesn't even headline today's "political brief" in the local rag. And while he garners the lede on the other local news website, the story itself is about...traffic delays as his motorcade lumbers through town.

So, sure, I guess the Chimperor still has some cachet with the local plutocrats, who'll be forking over $2,000 dollars to shake his hand--or $5,000 for a photo (I guess that's their version of high-end porn)...but for the rest of us he's just another headache to deal with at some point during the afternoon.

I suppose it's not all that surprising that the media isn't exactly publicizing just where on Perkins Road they're holding the fundraiser...for the record, the road itself is a pretty major thoroughfare, snaking through about half the town. My guess is that the event is probably on the southeast side of the city, where google maps appear to show any number of suitable McMansions.

Given that, I'm a little surprised that closures along both I-10 and I-110 are expected: this apparently means Shrub plans to fly the 75 or so miles to the airport (located on the other end of town)...then hop in his limo for the track back. I dunno...maybe the alternative--driving up from New Orleans--would be even more disruptive.

And it's also telling to see how the media continues to coddle him: a press worthy of the name wouldn't let him slither in and out, even for a private fundraiser, without demanding some sort of q and a...hell, in contrast, Barack Obama's getting the business just for wanting to eat breakfast in peace...

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