Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Little More of Your Tattered Legacy Right Here, Mr. Bush

Expose infants--and fetuses--to potentially lethal doses of toxic and carcinogenic formaldehyde? The Bush administration says "no problemo!"

[Doctors]...fear...tens of thousands of youngsters...may face lifelong health problems because the temporary housing supplied by the Federal Emergency Management Agency contained formaldehyde fumes up to five times the safe level.


Members of Congress and CDC insiders say the agencies' delay in recognizing the danger is being compounded by studies that will be virtually useless and the lack of a plan to treat children as they grow.

"It's tragic that when people most need the protection, they are actually going from one disaster to a health disaster that might be considered worse," said Christopher De Rosa, assistant director for toxicology and risk assessment at the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, an arm of the CDC. "Given the longer-term implications of exposure that went on for a significant period of time, people should be followed through time for possible effects."

Formaldehyde is classified as a probable carcinogen, or cancer-causing substance, by the Environmental Protection Agency. There is no way to measure formaldelhyde in the bloodstream. Respiratory problems are an early sign of exposure.

Young children are at particular risk. Thousands who lived in trailers will be in the prime of life in the 10 to 15 years doctors believe it takes cancer to develop.

I'll admit there's a certain consistency to this administration--over and over they've adopted an attitude of "screw 'em," be they the public at large, or our soldiers, or pretty much anyone who isn't already obscenely rich.

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