Fortunately or not, I've been receiving the various "MUST/PLEASE READ-Obama hates him some flag lapel pins AND the Pledge"--and now the troops--emails that waft around the slow lane of the internets like particularly noxious fumes from a sewage treatment plant on days when the wind blows from a certain direction.
Well, it's good to see that the military itself is saying "enough." Still, as malodorous as they are, part of me is curious as to their effectiveness.
Paraphrasing comments I made over at Timshel's, anyone stopping by this humble blog is presumably familiar, if not fully fluent, with the internets. But there's certainly a demographic out there whose mode of transport along the information superhighway is, at best, golf cart, if not adult tricycle. My guess is that some Karl Rove wanna be has taken Herr Rove's mix and match of direct mail and sleaze tactics to the intertubes, generating various electronic chain letters, passed along by anyone they manage to hook, from loyal acolytes to dimwitted loons.
And...my guess is that this will soon be an established and accepted element of a political campaign, whether it works or not this cycle.
By the way, I'd be lying if I didn't admit to a fair bit of schadenfreude watching the wingnuts bang their collective heads against the wall, wondering why their spitballs of hatred just don't seem to be leaving any mark this time around...yet. The season's still early, and I expect the media will attempt to manufacture something, if only to tighten the race (which, not coincidentally, would fatten their wallet). We'll see.
In the meantime, I fully expect more of these emails, ever more shrill in tone. In some ways, it will be like watching an addict during withdrawal...unless one of their electronic poison pens manages to hit a vein...whereupon we'll be treated to a sheer spasm of delusional wickedness the likes of which we've never seen.
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