Here's the video that accompanies The Nation's cover story I mentioned yesterday. It's just over eight minutes long, and well worth viewing.
The Nation also has another pretty shocking article about murder, official malfeasance, and a cover up in the aftermath of the storm and flood. The City That Care Forgot is sadly appropriate.
At a time when another hate monger receives official sanction from, of all people, Barack Obama, it might be a good idea to take notice of how embedded this emotion is...because ingoring it sure as hell isn't going to do much of anything.
And--I doubt seriously that this sort of ugliness is confined to Algiers Point--or to the Deep South, etc., etc. Hell, Rick Warren's anti-gay rants are notable more for their being virtually identical to previous generations rants about Blacks, Jews, Italians, Irish, Creoles, name your non-WASP ethnic group, than anything else. I also doubt seriously that attitudes towards said ethnicities have REALLY changed for the generations that cling to them (though, hopefully and thankfully, it seems that successive generations tend towards less hostility.) That said, again, our fate--or the fate of New Orleans--is EVERYONE'S fate...and given the economic meltdown, the day of reckoning might be closer than most people think.
We'll see.
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